Wednesday, May 24, 2017

WannaCry - Executive summary


  1. Windows – patch management for EOF is vital.
  2. Antivirus – as always didn’t detect anything. Not sure they can by design.
  3. Hots with open SMB to the internet by the millions  
  4. Internal networks are very vulnerable.

Security product failing at money time 


       Few month ago - Microsoft identifyee MS17-010 – affecting ALL MS versions
       March 2017 - Patch was publicly released
       April 2017 – Shadow Broker leak MS17-010
       12 May 2017 ~ (two month later) a massive ransomware  attack was identified – WannaCry
       The ransomware apparently utilize few know weakness including  MS17-010
       Microsoft also update to unsupported versions. Also published work around 


       Telefonica – Spain
       Sever damage according to ww cert’s
       Fedex –USA
       NHS – UK
       Prime minister called the public to not arrive at the hospitals
       World wide news publications
       Very bad publicity to NSA and Microsoft
       Microsoft had to issue a fix for un supported versions - XP and Windows server 2003


       Ransom ware – files are encrypted unless bitcoin payment is done
       Attack apparently start with spear phishing emails contains attachments
       The exploit was installed in the windows OS as the results of user opening the attachments (activating it)
       Then the exploit code start looking for random internet IP’s and try to infect them.
       It is then looks at the internal IP range and trying to infect the local PC’s

       Attack vector  was SMB v1 – used for internal file sharing services thus targeting the internal networks
       The ransom ware is then encrypt files of various types (list in the following pages)   
       Kill switch was discovered:
       The ransom ware is trying to access a unique domain name in the internet.
       if it doesn’t exists it start encrypting the files.
       If the domain exists the encryption doesn't start. A new versions without kill switch released 

Prevention recommendation

       Recommendation to not block port 80 access to the following sites:
                www[.]iuqerfsodp9ifjaposdfjhgosurijfaewrwergwea[.]com                  www[.]ifferfsodp9ifjaposdfjhgosurijfaewrwergwea[.]com
*Note the this is outbound connection.
       If proxied browser then allow this traffic out
       Firewall should block any traffic from the internet on TCP445, TCP139, UDP137, UDP138
       Patch ASAP 

       Is not a zero day – was know 3 month ago
       Any un patched MS box is at risk
       NSA can hack almost anything but also can cause damage if they leak tools and vulnerabilities
       Ransomware was 300 600- $ with bit coins
       TechNet notification by Microsoft

       Patching old systems / versions is critical
       Ignoring patching even when challenging cost money
       Security incident on massive scales happens
       Internal networks are expose to exploit (not just web sites)

       Any system should have emergency plan to patch unsupported versions